Your Knowledge Base has moved to the new Help Center.  Check out the release notes for details. And don't forget to update your bookmarks and in-house documentation before May 28.

Platform - Spring 2019

Don't miss the exciting new Charts and Dashboard, Global Search, Product Alerts, User Merge fields, and so much more detailed below!
Important! We recommend clearing your browser's cache as the changes in this update are large and often better enjoyed if you login with a fresh start!
User Interface / Layout / Graphics
  • *New* Charts can be added to any Page offering an exciting visualization of the grid data. 
  • Enhanced icons throughout the Platform to use the latest icon library resources. 
  • Enhanced search method preference to be remembered per User, per Page. For example, if Sally most recently used column searching on Events this method preference will be remembered next time she navigates to Events. 
  • Enhanced the Grid Layout to remove HTML formatting from columns for text fields that allow HTML
  • Fixed an issue where items would disappear from the masthead when the browser window was sized down. The icons are now retained when the window is too small to display text. 
  • Fixed an issue where initiating a new Record in a Sub-Page, then cancelling, would result in blank columns across other Sub-Pages on the same Page. 
Important! The Font Awesome 4.7 library has been deprecated. If you have customized Page icons, please visit Font Awesome to select current icons. 
Authentication / User Account
  • Enhanced the Password Reset confirmation message to exclude irrelevant information. 
  • *New* Default Sub-Pages can now be configured to pre-fill the Select Message Recipients dialog making messaging faster and more intuitive. 
  • *New* User Merge Fields are now available to merge in data related to the Sender (as determined by the currently authenticated User).
  • *New* Duplicate emails are now eliminated for Messages without Merge Fields.
  • *New* Message Preview now displays any Attachments in the lower pane as confirmation. 
  • Enhanced the Save Draft dialog to include where Drafts can be retrieved. 
  • Fixed an issue where the New Message Tool retained the Start Date/Time from the first time this tool was launched for the duration of a browser session. 
  • Fixed an issue where returning to edit after previewing a Message resulted in an Error when the New Message Tool had been launched from an open Record. 

Home Page
  • *New* Important news from Think Ministry is now available under Product Alerts
  • *New* Users now have a personalized Dashboard comprised of any Charts they choose. 
  • Fixed an issue where column sorting for one View under My Messages affected the sort order of all other Views in this tab creating intermittent errors. 
Advanced Search / Views / Notifications
  • *New* Global Search looks for matches across multiple pages simultaneously. Learn how to configure this feature here
  • Enhanced the "Notify" button to be disabled when "Not In" is selected for a View. Notifications are only available for the original result set of a View. 
  • Enhanced My Notifications to display the Selected Record Expression for Record Notifications where the Record ID was previously displayed. Note: This only pertains to new Record Notifications created after this update is applied.
  • Enhanced Advanced Search to warn a User when a View they are deleting is associated with active Item Notifications. 
  • Enhanced validation in Advanced Search to warn a User when columns do not have unique names and highlight the duplicates. 
  • Enhanced nightly routines to remove Notification Schedules no longer associated with any Notification Items (e.g. Selection was cleared, View was deleted). 
  • Fixed an issue where Item Notifications configured to send to User Groups were intermittently created without storing the User Group ID causing the Notification to be sent only to the User who configured it. 
Creating / Editing / Deleting Records
  • Enhanced phone masking for Filipino Locales (en-PH and fil-PH) to allow any combination of numbers and dashes up to 25 characters. The standard phone mask may also be circumvented from the (Auto) English Local by prepending any international number with "+".  
  • Enhanced the Attach File dialog to warn Users when the server is running out of space. 
  • Fixed an issue when creating Time Off Requests within the Calendar Layout where the pre-populated value for First Workday Missed caused an error during save. 
  • Fixed an issue where beginning to edit an Event, then saving without making changes, resulted in an error when that Event was part of an Event Series. 
  • Fixed an issue where month names were not populated in date pickers under the fil-Ph Locale.
  • Fixed an issue where dependent Records were not presented with the correct Record Type for reassignment when deleting from a Sub-Page. 
  • Enhanced the shift key method of selecting to update the Selected Record Count in real time where there was previously a delay. 
  • Fixed an issue where "Select All" was not honoring column searching on My Tasks but was selecting all existing Tasks for a User instead. 
Processes / Tasks
  • Enhanced the Tasks Panel to show Completed Tasks by selecting the radio button or simply clicking the "Completed" label. 
  • Fixed an issue where the New Task Tool erroneously included an option to add an Attachment "As Link". Attachments can only be successfully added to Tasks "As Attachment". 
  • Fixed an issue where the "Specific User" and "Lookup User" fields could be simultaneously populated creating a conflict. 
  • Fixed an issue where Process Steps attempted to escalate even when the Process was no longer active. 
  • *New* The new /publications.svc endpoint allows Messages associated with a particular Publication to populate an RSS feed. 
  • Enhanced the error message for the /files endpoint to display "404 Not Found" rather than throw a server error when the requested file cannot be located. 
  • Enhanced the ViewReport.aspx file to facilitate Reports which take 90+ seconds to run. Previously these Reports resulted in a timeout error.  

Video: Coaching Corner