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Record Facts



Record Facts are curated collections of key information pulled from around the Platform to summarize and visualize what you've decided your users need to see at a glance. Even better? Record facts aren't limited to the information in a single record. For example, the Contacts record facts can contain information from the Contact, Participant, and Group Participant records (and more!). And styling Record Facts gives the information a visual representation that empowers your users to serve your people well!

Record Facts can be found in several places in the next generation of the Platform:

  • List layout on any page
  • List layout on any subpage
  • At the top of any open record
  • At the top of any open subpage record

The next generation of the Platform comes pre-loaded with a collection of record facts to help get you started. But because we love customization, you can edit existing record facts and create new ones! Consider some of the possibilities...

  • Contacts: A Lead Pastor will appreciate being able to get a quick snapshot of his flock simply by looking at a list showing Contact Status, Household Position, Campus, Engagement Level, and Membership Status.

  • Participants: Record facts showing your Small Group or volunteer management teams how people are involved by visualizing Membership Status, length of participation, Small Group involvement, and service group involvement will help them recruit, equip, and communicate with the people involved in their ministries.

  • Groups: Anyone who manages any type of group will benefit from an at-a-glance visualization of Group Type, number of Group Participants, and percentage full.

  • Events: Your Events management team will love being able to quickly see which events are approved, whether they're featured on your website, how many people have registered, etc.

  • Opportunities: See how many responses your opportunity has and how many are needed without expecting your volunteer coordinator to click through multiple records.

Take your Record Facts to the next level by configuring your phone and email addresses to be actionable. When configured, clicking email or phone Record Facts will make contacting your people just a tap away.

Exciting, right? Keep reading to learn how to get Record Facts set up for YOUR church.

Creating Record Facts

Record Facts have two components: a Facts View and View Rules.

Facts View

Record Facts are sourced from a Page or Sub-Page’s Facts View. This view is identified in the "Facts View" field on System Setup >  Pages. Note: Sub-Pages do not inherit from their Target Page, but each sub-page can have its own Facts View.

  • A page's Facts View determines which Records Facts are displayed on that page and in an open record. While the records displayed when a user selects a different view will change, the Records Facts determined by the Facts View will always be displayed.
  • Facts are displayed left to right in the order columns are listed in the Facts View. 
  • Facts are dynamic and will be shown/hidden based on whether each Record has a value populated in the specified field. If a condition is specified, the fact will only appear when the value is populated and the condition is met.  

Pro Tip: If you use a field in a Facts View, that field has to be visible for a user to access that page. Using Field Management to hide a field used in a Facts View will result in an error message for all users. And using Field Level Restrictions to hide a field used in a Facts View will result in an error message Users without access to that field.

View Rules

Record Facts are styled using View Rules. View rules determine background color, font color, icon presence, and more. See View Rules to learn how to style your Record Facts.

  • Users must have at least edit rights to System Setup > Page View Rules and System Setup > Subpage View Rules to format View Rules.
  • An advanced user can easily format (background color, font color, etc.) Record Facts without any JavaScript knowledge. 
  • A power user with edit rights to Page View Rules and JavaScript knowledge (or a willingness to learn JavaScript) can create conditional view rules.
  • Each View Rule can influence only a single outcome (for example, Engagement Level is 'Partially Engaged'). But multiple View Rules can be defined for a single field to address different outcomes.

Advanced Record Facts

Want to take your Record Facts to the next level? Use these advanced tips and tricks to empower your Users to serve your people well. And maybe wow them along the way!


Want to make it really easy for your users to see registrations and group participant percentages at-a-glance? You can do that by setting Show Percentage = True on the Page View Rules record. This is visually illustrated using a fill and is always compared against 100. So if the value is 25 and Show Percentage = True, the Record Fact pill will be 25% full. For this to happen, any comparisons must occur in the View and require advanced SQL. The comparison of Target Size and Current Participants must happen in a View, so the View returns a value of 25. Note: In order to avoid rounding to 0, the calculation must be CAST as a decimal and then CAST again to drop decimal points. For example: 

CASE WHEN Groups.[Target_Size] = 0 THEN NULL ELSE
(CAST((SELECT Count(*) FROM Group_Participants GP WHERE GP.Group_ID = Groups.Group_ID
AND (GP.[End_Date] IS NULL OR GP.[End_Date] > @DomainTime)) AS decimal(6,2))
Groups.[Target_Size]) / 100)
AS int) END AS [Current Participants]
Percentage fills are a great way to help your team visualize event registrations or group capacity. But remember, you can't divide by 0. We recommend using Mass Assign to add a value or make the fields null to make sure there are no 0s in your comparisons.
Age Calculations

Showing a Contact or Participant's age as a Record Fact is a no-brainer. If you want the age of deceased Contacts to be calculated based on their Date of Death rather than the current date, use this in your Facts View.

(SELECT CASE WHEN C.Contact_Status_ID = 3 THEN (CONVERT(int,CONVERT(char(8),C.Date_of_Death,112))-CONVERT(char(8),Date_of_Birth,112))/10000  ELSE C.__Age END FROM Contacts C WHERE C.Contact_ID = Contacts.Contact_ID) AS [Age]
Combine Values

The Advanced or Power User can create a Record Fact which displays whether a Participant has been baptized along with the count of other Milestones this Participant has. When baptized, the Fact also turns green and displays an icon. This allows the Casual User to glance at a list and get all the information they need. Want to really empower that casual user? Set up a View Notification to send them a periodic email reminding them to check the list.

(SELECT PM.[Participant_Milestone_ID] FROM Participant_Milestones PM WHERE PM.[Participant_ID] = Participants.[Participant_ID] AND PM.[Milestone_ID] = 2)
THEN 'Baptized'
ELSE 'Not Baptized'
+  ' +' + 
CAST((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Participant_Milestones PM WHERE PM.[Participant_ID] = Participants.[Participant_ID]) AS varchar(15)) ) AS [Milestones] 


Dates, but Without Times

Want to see the date something happened (for example, a birthdate, registration date, or Event date), but not see the time? Add a little bit of code before the date field SQL and what was a Record Fact showing both the date and time is now a Record Fact showing just the date. Here's an example for removing the date from an Event Start Date Record Fact:

(SELECT CONVERT(date,Events.[Event_Start_Date])) AS [Event Start]
Note: Record facts replace the Red Flag Alert routine, which is no longer supported.