Your Knowledge Base has moved to the new Help Center.  Check out the release notes for details. And don't forget to update your bookmarks and in-house documentation before May 28.

Image Mapping


Super engaging and casual user focused, the next generation of MinistryPlatform is filled with images so you can visualize the Contact, Participant, Event, Event Participant, Group, Group Participant, and more at a glance.


  • Images will still be visible in an open record. And they're also visible in the list layout. That's right! The list view will show you Record Facts and an image. Perfect for the causal user to see what they need to know at a glance.
  • Images can still be attached as a file to a record. If an image is attached as a file, it will appear on both Pages and Subpages based on that table.
  • Images can now be sourced from other Records and no longer require direct attachment to a Record. That means that a Participant Record or even a Group Participant Record could display the image attached to a Contact Record.
  • If an image is attached to a record, it will appear in that page's Files Panel. But if it is mapped to the record, it will not appear in the Files Panel.
  • Images can be mapped to both Pages and Subpages.


    Images, images everywhere! But how do they get there? Glad you asked! We put them there for you at deployment ;). But we also know you love doing YOUR church YOUR way, so here are some custom mapping tips & tricks. Want to peak behind the default mapping curtain? Scroll past custom mapping for all the details.

    Custom Mapping

    Images are mapped from a Page or Sub-Page’s Image Reference Field on System Setup >  Pages. Note: Sub-Pages do  not inherit from their Target Page, but each sub-page has its own Image Reference Field. You'll need edit rights to System Setup > Pages on Pages and edit rights to System Setup> Subpage Pages to customize your Image Mapping on subpages. 

    Important: You'll need to enter the actual, proper field name here. So if you want to manage the Group Name field, enter "Group_Name." See Table Lookup Convention for additional information.

    Default Mapping

    At deployment, here are some examples of how images will be mapped.

    PageImageImage Reference
    Background ChecksContact ImageContact_ID
    Care CasesContact ImageContact_ID
    Event MetricsEvent ImageEvent_ID
    Group ParticipantsContact ImageParticipant_ID_Table.Contact_ID 
    InvoicesContact ImagePurchaser_Contact_ID 
    MessagesTo ContactTo_Contact
    NeedsRequester ImageRequester_Contact
    TemplatesFrom ImageFrom_Contact
    User TasksContact ImageAssigned_User_ID_Table.Contact_ID