Your Knowledge Base has moved to the new Help Center.  Check out the release notes for details. And don't forget to update your bookmarks and in-house documentation before May 28.

Sermons & Notes


After adding the foundational sermon information you need, you're ready to add specific sermon information to your app. Adding sermons to your app is a great way to keep your congregation connected no matter where they are. And letting them take sermon notes right in the app? That's a win-win. 


  1. PocketPlatform > Sermons.
  2. New Sermon.
  3. Add the following:
    • Series: Select the sermon series that this sermon belongs to.
    • Congregation: The Congregation this sermon is from.
    • PocketPlaform Service Type: The type of service this was. You might only have one for your Worship Service, but you might also have one for special events or a guest series.
    • Title: Sermon Title.
    • Subtitle: An additional description for the sermon.
    • Description: A detailed description of the sermon.
    • Sermon Date: The date the sermon was preached.
    • Sermon Speaker: The person who gave the sermon.
    • Scripture Links: The relevant scripture for the sermon.
    • Position: Display order for the sermon.
    • StatusHidden, Draft, or Published.
    • Notes Form: Link to a custom form for this sermon to be used as interactive sermon notes.
  4. Save.
Sermon Notes

Your Users can take sermon notes – right in the PocketPlatform app! Using powerful Custom Formsyou have a simple and effective way to help your users remember the important parts of a sermon or other message.

Create Your Sermon Notes Form
  1. Custom Forms > Form.
  2. Tools > Custom Form Editor or New Form.
  3. Create your sermon notes form.
  4. Save.
Sermon Notes Best Practices
  • You can use basic HTML in the Alternate Field Label box when creating your fields. But any HTML that is not supported will be stripped by PocketPlatform.
  • Name your sermon notes form something that is related to the sermon. You get to do YOUR church YOUR way, but here are some ideas for a hypothetical Sermon Series called “Church Matters,” the Sermon is called “The Purpose of the Church” and the Sermon date is 21 July 2023.
    • Church Matters: The Purpose of the Church
    • Notes: The Purpose of the Church
    • Sermon Notes for 21 July 2023
    • Notes 21/07/2023
Add Your Form to a Sermon
  1. PocketPlatform > Sermons.
  2. Open the sermon you're adding the notes form to.
  3. Add your form to the Notes Form field on the sermon record.
  4. Save.