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Configuring My Household


Quick Start

Want to let people see and update their own information (additional benefit: make your data quality team very happy!)? See the Quick Start Guide to get the My Households Widget up and running.

If the shared script hasn't been added to your website, add it to your desired webpage. Be sure to replace "{your platform domain}" in the following code with your church's base MP URL.

<script id="MPWidgets" src="https://{your platform domain}/widgets/dist/MPWidgets.js"></script>

Create a webpage on your website that will display your My Households Widget or identify the page on your website where it will be displayed.

Add the My Households Widget to your church website by placing this snippet of code in the body of your chosen webpage, modifying the required attributes discussed below.


Tip: While not mandatory, this snippet would typically be placed inside a <div> element with the class "container."

Widget Configuration

Required attributes are necessary for Widgets to function.
  • Hide Add Household Member: Determines whether the "Add Household Member" option is available. If available, Heads of Household will be able to add new Household Members (for example, if this family recently had a child). The default is "False."
    • Attribute: hideaddhouseholdmember
    • Valid Values: True or False

The widget url must be authorized in your Google Maps API Key. See Google Maps API Key for more details.

  • Determine any URLs you will use for this widget (unique domains)
  • Authorize the URLs in the Google Maps API Key

Note: This widget is only available to Users who have authenticated via the Login Widget. New Users will also have the opportunity to create an account through the Login flow. If desired, the page containing this Widget could be added as a navigation item in the Login menu, making it available only after authentication. See Login Configuration for information about extending the drop-down menu.

Configure Your Widget!

Simply fill out the Widget Configurator below, copy your generated Widget, and paste it into your website. 

Update Configuration Parameters

Setting Name
My Value

Preview & Copy


Widgets let you do YOUR church YOUR way, so change those button colors and labels!

CSS: Every Widget accepts the Custom CSS attribute. Include it before the opening Widget tag is closed to customize your Widgets.

Application Labels: Want to customize the My Household Widget? Maybe change the Select Campus label to a Select Congregation label? You can do that! Navigate to System Setup > Application Labels (note that churches are responsible for all translations if the default is not used) and make your update.

  • mpp-household.congregationLabel - Label for the Congregation drop-down filter. Default is "Select Campus."