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Configuring Subscribe to Publication


Quick Start

The Subscribe to Publications Widget helps people sign up to receive a relevant publication! Check out the Quick Start Guide to get started. 

If the shared script hasn't been added to your website, add it to your desired webpage. Be sure to replace "{your platform domain}" in the following code with your church's base MP URL.

<script id="MPWidgets" src="https://{your platform domain}/widgets/dist/MPWidgets.js"></script>

Create a webpage on your website that will display your Subscribe to Publications Widget or identify the page on your website where it will be displayed.

Add the Subscribe to Publications Widget to your church website by placing this snippet of code in the body of your chosen webpage and modifying the required attributes described below.

Tip: While not mandatory, this snippet would typically be placed inside a <div> element with the class "container."

Widget Configuration

Required Attributes are necessary for your Widget to function.

  • Publication ID: determines which Publication will be displayed. 
    • Attribute: publicationid
    • Valid Values: Publication ID
  • Return URL: URL the widget exists on. The verification email will use this to complete the subscription and display confirmation. For example, if you are placing this Widget on the page at "" you must use that as the returnurl.
    • Attribute: returnurl
    • Valid Values: fully qualified URL
  • Verification Email Template: email containing a verification link which will complete the subscription. 
    • Attribute: verificationemailtemplateid
    • Valid Values: Message ID

Attributes must be included before the opening Widget tag is closed. An attribute's value should be wrapped in quote marks.

Configure Your Widget!

Simply fill out the Widget Configurator below, copy your generated Widget, and paste it into your website. 

Update Configuration Parameters

Setting Name
My Value

Preview & Copy

Platform Configuration

Publication: Any publication can be displayed in the Subscribe to Publication Widget, but each publication will require its own Widget.

  • Available Online: set to "True" 
  • Description: the Publication's description will be displayed above the subscribe form.

Messages: Messages sent by the Subscribe to Publication Widget are completely customizable! But to support the workflow, certain tokens must be incorporated into the Messages. See required and optional tokens for the three relevant messages below. 

  • Verification Email Template: Subscribe to Publication is a two-step Widget and this Message requires a verification token for visitors to continue the form. No records have been created for this User in the Platform, so Contact Merge Fields are not available. This Message can be personalized using the optional tokens below. 
    • Required: Token [mpp_verify_email_url] should be set as the value of a link somewhere in this Message. This link should be set from source view. The link text displayed might be "click here" or "verify."
    • Optional: Tokens [mpp_contact_first_name] and [mpp_contact_last_name] will merge in the "First Name" and "Last Name" values provided on the form. 
<div>please confirm your subscription by choosing <a href="[mpp_verify_email_url]">verify</a></div>
Note: To support the verification workflow, you will need to create your church's Verification Email Template (break out those new Template Editor Tool skills!), being sure to include the required token. Because this message will be sent to your people, we have not automatically added to your system.

Widgets use Message IDs, not Template IDs.  You can use the Template Editor Tool to create your Verification Email Template, but you will need to turn the Template into a Message and use that ID in the Subscribe to Publication Widget. Here's how:

  1. Create and save your Verification Email Template using the Template Editor Tool. Make sure you'll be able to access to the template.
  2. Open the New Message Tool and select your newly created template from the Template dropdown. Click Save as Draft.
  3. Navigate to Communications > Messages and find the draft you just created.
  4. Click on the subject line to open the Message record. The Message ID will be listed underneath the subject line; use this ID in the Verification Email Template ID attribute.


Want to customize the Subscribe to Publications Widget? We love that!

CSS: Every Widget accepts the Custom CSS attribute. Include it before the opening Widget tag is closed and customize backgrounds, button colors, and more!

Application Labels: Want to customize the filed labels on the Subscribe to Publication form? Or change the "Send" button to "Subscribe"? No problem! You can change the text that appears on the buttons by navigating to System Setup > Application Labels (note that churches are responsible for all translations if the default is not used).

  • mpp-subscribe-to-publication.mobilePhoneLabel - The label above the phone number field. The default is "Mobile Phone."
  • mpp-subscribe-to-publication.subscriptionSuccessMessage  - The message displayed then someone successfully subscribes. The default is "Thanks for subscribing!"
  • mpp-subscribe-to-publication.submitVerificationButtonText - The button label to subscribe to a publication. The default is "Send."