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Event Registration Walk-Through (Advanced)


Melissa Reveles, our Education Director, is back to let you watch over her shoulder, this time while she sets up a complex event registration. Melissa’s sample event? VBS! Oh, did that get your attention? :D

Come, watch, and ask all your questions as she sets up registration from scratch, complete with a Custom Form, adding students to groups, optional t-shirt purchases, and a Promo Code or two! There may even be salsa involved (the food kind, not the dance kind) … whuuuut?

Want a refresher before diving into the weeds? Check out our recording from the Events – Back to the Basics, but with Widgets webinar. And when you have your event set up, hop over to the Event Registration Management Walk-Through webinar and learn some tips and tricks to make this your easiest big event season ever.

Audience: SPoCs, Event Admin, or anyone who configures complex registrations

Level: Advanced

Video Topics

06:00 - Introduction
07:50 - Create a Program
13:30 - Create Groups
24:40 - Create a Product
43:00 - Create a Custom Form
52:30 - Create an Event
56:20 - Viewing Your Event
60:00 - Q&A