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Event Registrant Message


The Registrant Message Notification is sent to Participants registered for an Event.

  • Frequency: Every 15 minutes (depending on your schedule that was set up during Implementation). Some are set up to run from 8 am to 6 pm Daily (Sun-Sat), while others may run 24 hrs. Contact Support to verify or change your schedule.
  • Recipients: Any Event Participant with a status of 02-Registered and with the Registrant Message Sent field set to No or Undefined. If Send to Heads is chosen and the Registrant is not a Head of Household, the Registrant and the Contacts who are Head of Household in the Registrant's Household will receive the message. If the Registrant is a Head of Household, only they will receive the message and no one else. Important: If you select Send to Heads, the message will be sent to any Heads of Household associated via Other Households with the Household Type of "Non-Custodial Parent" unless that relationship is end dated. Note: For paid Events, Registrant Messages are not sent until the Invoice has at least a partial Payment. 
  • From/Reply To: The Contact(s) identified in the email template.
  • Contents: An event-specific email giving registrants additional information.
  • How to Stop: Remove the message from the Registrant Message field in the Event record.
  • Method for Sending: Platform
  • Logging in Messages: Daily, the email template message is copied. Recipients are logged. Event Participant Record will have True for Registrant Message Sent.
  • Configuration Settings: None
  • Merge Fields Supported
    • Subject & Body: [Nickname], [Event_Title]
    • Body only: [Notes], [Email_Address], [Mobile_Phone], [Event_Title], [Meeting_Instructions], [Congregation_Name], [Location_Name], [Event_Start_Date], [Group_Name], [Domain_GUID], [Contact_GUID], [Option_Title_Qty], [Option_Title]. The Option_Title token will list all of the options chosen (separated by a comma). The Notes merge field will display the notes from the Invoice.
    • If you have locations in multiple time zones: The [Event_Start_Date] merge field will display the Event start date and time using the Domain's time zone, not the registrant's time zone.
  • Initial Configuration: Create an email template and set it as the Registrant Message on the Event record.
  • Optional Configuration: None
  • Other Considerations
    • The email used for registration (which is stored in event participant notes) will be used, if present.
    • It doesn't matter how the registrant was added to the event; they will be sent this email if they have an email address on file.
    • If the email contains a snippet, the snippet will not be valid for any registrants who are not matched and are assigned to the Default Contact.
    • Messages will be sent as people register until the Event's Registration End date. If Registration End is Null, the messages will be sent until the Event End Date.
    • Selecting "Send to Parents" will send the message to the two Heads of Household in the Event Participant's Household, if they have a different email address than the registrant. Note: The message will be automatically adjusted to say "Parents Of" the Event Participant. This is designed specifically for when children are registered for the event.

Event Fields

See, Creating Events > Event Fields > Notification Settings.

Other Notes

  • Event Series: Each Event is separate and each Event can have its own Registrant Message.
    • A Registrant Message will be sent for each Event in the series with a Registrant Message set on the specific Event record.
    • If you allow registration on any Event in a series and have Register into Series set to Yes, and multiple Registrant Messages are not desired (see point above), set the Registration Message value only on the last Event in the series.
  • Message Templates: You can use the same email template for various Events. Each Event does not have to have its own template, although it can if that level of customization is desired.
    • Event Registrant Messages and optional reminder messages only facilitate email templates. They don't currently support SMS templates.
    • Attachments are not sent with the template. Send links to publicly downloadable files.
  • Default Contact: If the Registrant is assigned to Default Contact, the message will be sent to the email provided during registration (This will show up in the Notes field of the Event Participant record when the Email and Address1 fields are populated).
    • If Send to Heads is set to "Yes" and the Event Participant record is assigned to Default Contact, no Head-of-Household can be identified and no Head-of-Household email will be sent.
    • If the [Nickname] merge field is used in the Message template, the Default Contact nickname will be replaced with "Friend".
    • We recommend reviewing and cleaning up/clearing out the Event Participant > 1. Reassign Participant view daily. Or, to reduce Default Contacts, require the registrant to log in to register by setting the Force Login to "Yes" on the Event record.
  • No Email: If no email was provided during registration, the message will not be sent until one is entered into the Event Participant's Contact record.

Resend a Notification

At times it may be necessary to resend the Registrant Message to an individual (for example, the individual used the wrong email address or reports not receiving the email).

  1. Open the Event Participant record for the individual (either in the Participant sub-page of the event, or the Event Participant page).
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Change the Registrant message Sent field to "No".
  4. Modify the Email in the Notes field to the correct email address.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Wait for the Notification to run again.