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Group Management

Setting Up Your Group in the Platform

In order for Group Management to be available in the app, you'll need to configure each Group in the Platform. Each Group you want to show in PocketPlatform must have the Available On App field set to Yes. Note that the app only shows Groups that have a Start Date in the past.

  1. Go to Groups, and open the Group you'd like to make available on the app.
  2. Click Edit Record.
  3. Set "Available On App" to Yes.
  4. Click Save.
Pro tip: Want to make Group Management available for all your Groups? Select them and use that Mass Assign button (cautiously, of course). And when you set up a new Group, set "Available On App" to Yes when you create it.
Setting Up Your API

To give you more control over the tools available to Group Leaders, the latest version of the API includes three configuration settings. These settings are controlled behind the scenes, so contact Support to request any modifications.

  • Edit Contact Information: When enabled, this allows Group Leaders to edit a member’s contact information. It also allows Group Leaders to upload a photo for a member. These changes here are reflected in the member’s Contact record in MinistryPlatform. Note: This is disabled by default.
  • Group Inquires: When enabled, this allows Group Leaders to view group inquiries and convert the inquirer to a participant.
  • Cancel Meetings: When enabled, this allows Group Leaders to cancel Group Meetings.