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Topical Settings


Application Configuration Settings

Other Configuration Settings

Topically-Related Configuration Settings

Below is a list Configuration Settings that are related by Topic.

Default Group Role

This controls the Group Role assigned to a person who clicks on Contact This Group from the Group Finder page of the Portal. This only applies if they are not already in the Group.

This controls the Group Role assigned to a person when they are added to a Group from the Group Manager page of MobileTools. This only applies if they are not already in the Group. This should not be a leader role.

Call Numbers

Call numbers are used on printed nametags printed from the Checkin application. For more information, see the Tokens section of the Label Design page.

The number of characters to include in the Check-In Call Number.

1 - ContactID
2 - HouseholdID
3 - Family Call # (from households table)
4 - deprecated

Method for generating Call Numbers. Used by Classroom Manager.
1 - ContactID
2 - HouseholdID
3 - Family Call # (from households table)
4 - deprecated

Household Care Notes

Household Care Notes created in Check-In depend on the following Configuration Settings:

(CHANGE! 2 = Default Contact) Contact ID that is assigned to all Household Care Log items created by Check-In

(1 = Pending Assignment) The outcome type for the Household Care Log Entry (2 = Assigned, 3 = Closed-Success, 4 = Closed-Failed)

The Household Care Type ID to be used for Check-In 2 when creating new household care records