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Crediting a Gift to Multiple Pledges


There may be times when one Mission Trip participant exceeds their fundraising goal and you chose to reallocate some of that money to a participant who has not yet reached their goal. Read more to learn how to modify the distributions of an existing Donation record to reassign part of that donation to a different Mission Trip participant.

Note: These instructions describe how to adjust the data within MinistryPlatform. Any changes that may need to be made in your accounting software to reflect distribution changes (if any) are not covered in this article.

Here's an example of how a mission trip gift would look in MinistryPlatform:
Original Donation ($200)  
  • Donor = John Doe
  • Distribution 1 - $200 > Trip Participant's Pledge record 
The Distribution (not the donor/donation) is what credits the trip participant. In order to split this $200 donation between multiple participants, you need to create a distribution record for each participant. The best and recommended way to do this is to edit the Donation in the Batch Manager Tool (BMT). The BMT offers a convenient way to add/edit all Distributions (also known as designations) on a Donation record. Choose the correct program, then choose the correct Pledge record for each new Distribution.
Be sure to confirm that the total of all Distributions match the Donation's amount. The BMT helps you to confirm this (it won't let you finalize a batch when any donation is not in balance with its distributions).