Your Knowledge Base has moved to the new Help Center.  Check out the release notes for details. And don't forget to update your bookmarks and in-house documentation before May 28.

Platform - Winter 2019

Don't miss the exciting enhancements for Tasks, the New Message Tool, recurring Events, Item Notifications (formerly View Notifications) and much more!
Important! We recommend clearing your browser's cache as the changes in this update are large and often better enjoyed if you login with a fresh start!
User Interface / Layout / Graphics
  • *New* The data grid may now be filtered by one Congregation at a time using Global Filters
  • Fixed an issue where long record titles overlapped with fields in the View Record dialog available from the Gantt View
  • Fixed an issue where long record titles were sometimes cut off when viewing an open record
  • Fixed an issue in Chrome where the data grid was not resized when the browser window was resized. 
  • Fixed an issue in Safari where the Mass Assign dialog appeared shrunken on certain pages. 
  • Fixed an issue where a console error was appearing although no adverse affects were detected. 
Authentication / User Account
  • Enhanced Social Logins to display in the same arrangement as shown in the User Account dialog
  • Enhanced Reset Password with an expiration message if the one-time login link used is older than 24 hours. 
  • Enhanced the Reset Password instructions to reflect all required fields: First, Last, Email. 
  • Fixed an issue where selecting an unconfigured Social Login provided no navigation to return to Login
  • Fixed an issue where alert/warning dialogs on Login sometimes appeared in a language different from the selected language. 
Advanced Search / Views / Notifications
  • *New* View Notifications have been expanded to include selections and records, include an "immediate" notification option, and have been renamed "Item Notifications". 
  • *New* Item Notification emails may now be suppressed if the View is empty by leaving the "Send Empty Views" box unchecked. 
  • Fixed as issue in Advanced Search where some comparison values caused fields to overlap. 
  • Fixed an issue in Advanced Search where separate folders which referenced the same Table sometimes appeared under the same name. 
  • Fixed an issue in Advanced Search where folders could be expanded but not collapsed. 
  • Fixed an issue where starting a column search after scrolling several columns to the right presented alignment issues. 
  • Fixed an issue when creating or modifying Item (View) Notifications where Templates could be unintentionally altered. Item (View) Notifications can no longer share existing schedules when the Notification specifies a Template. 
  • Fixed an issue where modifying a Item (View) Notification always displayed a warning stating other Notifications were linked. The warning now only appears when applicable. 
  • Fixed an issue where modifying a Item (View) Notification did not populate the associated Template. 
  • Fixed an issue where long view Descriptions may cause a truncation error. Description is now limited to 500 characters. 
Creating / Editing / Deleting Records
  • *New* Users can now create and edit Recurring Event Series when granted Edit rights to Events. Mass Assign is no longer required for these actions. 
  • Enhanced the Recurring Event Series dialog to increase visibility of the option "Include and Update Current Record" by relocating it to the Scheduling window. 
  • Enhanced the User record so that the field "User Email" is no longer required. This field will eventually be removed. 
  • Enhanced deleting from Advanced Search so that deleting a View will also delete any related View Notifications
  • Fixed an issue where the total characters allowed for "First Name" and "Last Name" on a Contact record exceeded the character limit for "Display Name". 
  • Fixed an issue where the Audit Log entry for record creation erroneously included an arrow icon implying the entry could be expanded. 
  • Fixed an issue where creating a Recurring Event Series always displayed the time as 12:00 AM rather than displaying the correct time. 
  • Fixed an issue where inserting a link was disabled in rich text editors when the editor was fullscreen. 
  • Fixed an issue where inserting an image was disabled in rich text editors when the editor was fullscreen. 
Security Roles / Record Security
  • Enhanced the Security Role record by removing an unused, read-only field "Admin Role". 
  • Fixed an issue where saving was disabled when creating or modifying a Security Role if the same Field Restrictions dialog was launched then closed multiple times. 
  • Fixed an issue where fields appeared cramped or cut-off in the Field Restrictions dialog. 
  • Fixed an issue where the top level folder in the Transfer Selection dialog was inactive until another folder was selected. 
  • Fixed an issue where folders were often unresponsive when expanding/collapsing within the Transfer Selection dialog. 
  • Fixed an issue where starting to delete records in a Selection then canceling the action cleared the Selection. 
Processes / Tasks
  • *New* Rejected Tasks can now be hidden from the Edit Task Dialog. Whenever feasible, it is still recommended that rejected Tasks be resolved rather than hidden. 
  • *New* The Task Panel now includes Completed Tasks providing a comprehensive history of Tasks related to the current record. 
  • Enhanced Task Audit Log to more accurately credit the currently authenticated user's actions or attribute action to API User when applicable. 
  • Enhanced Process Emails to utilize the lookup value specified under "From" as the email's "Reply To".
  • Fixed an issue where overdue Tasks belonging to a Process were not executing the Process Step defined by the field "Escalate to Step". 
  • Enhanced /users GET Endpoint so that User Name (represented by property LogOnName) is now returned in the payload and available as a filter. 
  • Enhanced performance when filtering by the Audit Log Updated Date. 
  • Fixed an issue where Swagger UI did not display comments for parameters prepended with $ sign. 
System Administration
  • *New* Processes, Tasks, and Webhooks are no longer Page based but are now Table based. 
Important! If you have multiple Processes setup for the same table due to filtered pages, this will impact you in some or all of the following ways:
1) If two Processes were created for the same purpose due to a filtered page (Process A to fire when a User creates a record on the filtered page and Process B to fire when a another User creates a record on the main page of the filtered page), Process A and Process B will now fire when a record is created on either page.
2) If previously had a Process applied to a Filtered Page that only lists records related to a specific Group(s) the Process will now apply to all Groups unless the Process' Dependent Condition is updated to only look at a specific Group(s).
3) Or, if you had an email sent from a Process applied to a Filtered Page with merge fields, those same fields may not be available on the main page (table) and will need to be added to the All Records view in order to be rendered.
  • Enhanced the Domain field "Contact Merge Fields" to accept text only. This was previously a rich text editor which produced intermittent errors. 
Important! The fields dp_Processes.Page_ID, dp_Tasks._Page_ID, and dp_Webhooks.Page_ID have been removed. If you have extended the Platform in any way (e.g. created custom Views, Stored Procedures or Reports) this may impact you. 
Tip: If after the update, you select a view and get a "Invalid Column Name "_Page_ID" error, that means your view is referencing the now removed _Page_ID field. Review your view clause to change to the appropriate table (e.g. replace T._Page_ID = 308 with  T._Table_Name = 'Events').

Video: Coaching Corner

0:06 - Opening comments
1:28 - Item (View) Notifications
9:39 - Updating an event series
14:19 - Rejected tasks