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Filtered Pages


A filtered page is a copy of a page with additional criteria applied to limit which rows of data appear on that page. A filtered page can have its very own reports, tools, and page views. Often creating a filtered page results in creating a new Security Role to go with it. Permission to use the filtered page can be granted to existing or new Security Roles. Field restrictions can be applied to the page through the Security Role so that users see only the fields they require. 

Important! There should always be an unfiltered version for each table. The API uses the unfiltered version. All other pages accessing the table should be filtered.

How would we use a filtered page?

  • Grant some users rights to a subset of the information on a particular page. For example, a filtered version of Donation Distributions allows some users to see only the Donations distributed to a subset of Programs. And if you wanted someone to be able to view, edit, or delete any Household Care Notes except Benevolence, you could create a filtered page for Household Care (No Benev) and filter out that type of care.
  • Simplify the user interface so users can only access records and fields they need for their ministry. For example, a filtered Groups page might list only "Small Groups" and hide all fields related to check-in and promotions that are needed primarily by other types of groups.
  • Limit user access to sensitive information. For example, a filtered version of the Custom Form and All Form Responses pages can limit users who are able to see sensitive information that may have been collected via a custom form.

Note: While filtered pages were previously used to ensure some users can only access information related to their campus (for example, a Congregation), leveraging Global Filters is the best practice for filtering user access.

How do I create a filtered page?

That's right! You can create your own filtered page! Want to see all our tips and tricks (including some gotchas)? Check out the Intermediate/Advanced Training videos.

  1. Copy the existing page you want to filter.
  2. Rename your new page.
  3. Apply filter criteria to your new page. Pro tip: Use the Advanced Search tool on the page you plan to copy to develop the criteria you want to use. Just copy it from the "SQL Layout" tab of the advanced search tool.
Want a filtered page, but don't want to go it alone? We can help! Contact Support and ask for help from  Professional Services.
We do not recommend adding Filtered pages for Contacts, Participants, Donors, Households, Room Reservations, Milestones Assigned, Donations, Deposits, or Distributions based on Ministries Allowed. Recommended for filtering pages on Groups, Group Participants, Events, Event Participants, All Form Responses, All Payment Details, etc.

How do I give users access to my filtered page?

Grant your users rights to the new page through a new or existing Security Role. As a best practice, give the Administrators security role full rights to your filtered page immediately after you create it.

Can I apply a filter to an existing, unfiltered page?

You should not do this. Leave the pages that came with MinistryPlatform unfiltered. Instead, create a copy of the Page and filter it. There should always be one (and only one) unfiltered version for the API to use.

How do I add things to a filtered page (for example, reports and tools)?

You can make Reports, Tools, Sub Pages, and Page Views available to users of your filtered page.

  • Adding Reports & Tools:
    1. Deploy the tool to the page by opening the tool and adding the filtered page to the Pages sub-page of the open Tool record.
    2. The tool must also be permitted on one of the user's Security Roles. If you created a Security Role-specific to your filtered page, add the tools and reports to this security role. Note: some tools and reports are specific to a table in the database.  A good rule of thumb is that you can ONLY add tools and reports to the filtered page if they were available to the original page.
  • Adding Page Views: These can be created on the new page OR copied from the original page. All of the usual rules about Page Views apply.
  • Adding Sub Pages: You can copy a sub-page from the original page, edit it, and assign it to the filtered page. A very advanced user of the System Setup area may be able to create new sub-pages for a filtered page.

How do I turn a Page View into a Filtered Page?

  1. Locate a view that has the conditions you want to use as a filter on your new page.
  2. Navigate to System Setup > Page Views, locate the desired View, and copy the View Clause.
  3. In System Setup > Pages, open the desired Page record.
  4. Copy the page (and sub-pages if desired).
  5. Paste the View Clause from your view into the Filter Clause of this new, copied page.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Open the Administrators security role and give Administrators rights to this new page.
  8. Create a new Security Role and grant that Security Role rights to the page (It's okay to use an existing role, but only if you are sure about what that role does otherwise).
  9. Add field restrictions on this page (optional).
  10. Add users to the new Security Role.
  11. Add tools to the new Security Role (optional).
  12. Add reports to the new Security Role (optional).
  13. Note: Any views associated with any of the sub-pages you copied will  not be copied to the new sub-pages for your filtered page. To associate the sub-page views that were a part of the original page with your new sub-page:
  1. Go to the Sub-page views page.
  2. Open the view you want to be associated with your new sub-page.
  3. Copy the view.
  4. Edit the copied view and associate the view with the new sub-page that is associated with your new filtered page.
Take Your Filtered Page to the Next Level
  • Copy views from the original page into the new page. If you do not copy the existing views when you create the page, you will need to make new views for the page as each view can only be associated with one page at a time. 
  • Open up reports on the reports page and assign them to the new page.
  • Put the new page in a Page Section (new or existing). To do this:
    1. System Setup > Page Section Pages
    2. Select New
      • Page: Your newly created filtered page
      • Page Section: The page section you want your filtered page to be in
      • User: Leave this blank
    3. Click Save

And don't forget...

  • There should always be an unfiltered version for each table. The API uses the unfiltered version.
  • Jump links will always go to the main page (not the filtered page).
  • The "Go to Record" link in user tasks will go to the main page if a user has permissions on the main page and the filtered page. However, if a user only has permissions on the filtered page, then the link will go to the filtered page.
  • All Filtered pages should have a filter clause.
What's better than reading about a filtered page? That's right, watching a video that walks through setting up a filtered page! So if you want to set up a filtered page, check it out.