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Create New Page


Before creating a new page, be sure to follow the planning guide Do I Need A New Page?.

Creating a new page involves creating fields in your database. It also could require adding foreign keys to existing tables. If you and your team are unsure of how to proceed, please contact your IT SPoC or assistance. You can also watch the video below for a walk-through of creating the necessary data.

Table Requirements

The following are requirements for tables you add to the platform that you wish to support Security Roles. If the Domain_ID field is omitted, the page pointed to the table will be treated as a Setup Admin page and are not affected by Security Roles.

  • Primary Key of type int with IDENTITY specification (positive integers only)
  • Domain_ID field related to dp_Domains

Video Topics: Creating a Page

0:20 - Creating a Table in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)
1:50 - Creating a Page in MP
3:08 - Creating a Page Section in MP
4:00 - Adding a Security Role
4:45 - Working with the New Page

Once you've created a new page, you can reload the system metadata using the about box.