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Event Participants


The Event Participant page is found in the People Lists folder and is a line-by-line representation of all the Participant records that are associated with Events. This page naturally allows multiple lines per person; for example, if you attended an event last month and registered for an event occurring next month, you have two records on Event Participants - one from last month's event and one for next month's event. 

Event Participants Fields
  • Event* The Event that the Participant is associated with.
  • Participant*: The applicable Participant record.
  • Participation Status*: Indicates the Participant's engagement with the Event. (The number in front determines its place in the process.)
    • 01 Interested: "I'm thinking about attending but haven't registered yet."
    • 02 Registered: "I signed up for this event!" Used by Event Registration.
    • 03 Attended: "I am on campus somewhere and confirmed I am here, probably by checking-in at a kiosk. I might not have made it to my appropriate room/class yet."
    • 04 Confirmed: "Someone with authority to take attendance has seen me in the room where I am supposed to be and confirmed that I actually came to class."
    • 05 Cancelled: "I thought I was coming but changed my mind. Or someone thought they saw me and then realized I wasn't actually there." For more on canceling an Event Participant, see Managing Registrations.
    • 06 No Show: "I was registered but did not show up to the event."
    • 20 Abandoned: "I started registering but abandoned the process before submitting the form." Used by the Abandoned Invoice Clean Up process. See more info about abandoned invoices on Default Processes.
    • 21 Awaiting Payment: "I registered but may or may not have paid yet." Used by Event Registration and the Abandoned Invoice Clean Up process. If payment is received, the Participation Status is updated to "Registered". Otherwise, the registration considered "Abandoned".
  • Time In: The time the participant was marked attended by an attendance tool like Check-In, Rollscan Attendance, etc.
  • Time Confirmed: The time the participant was confirmed planned attendance in response to an invitation.
  • Time Out: The time the participant was checked out by Classroom Manager.
  • Notes: Notes added by Check-In, Classroom Manager, the Portal, or someone manually.
  • Group Participant: The Group Participant record of the Event Participant if Event involvement is related to or part of the Group (the Group and Event records are related). This value is set by manually entry, Portal registration, attendance posting via Check-In Suite, Rollscan Tool, various reports, or by a nightly routine. Once the Group Participant field is set on the Event Participant record, any changes to the Group record are not reflected. These values are independent. Note: It is not recommended that this value be set manually.
  • Check-in Station: The IP address or the contents of the Machine Name field on the Check-In Suite Home screen of the Check-In station used to check in.
  • Call Parents: A field available to be used in custom development of the Call Parents functionality in Classroom Manager.
  • Setup Date: The date and time the Event Participant record was created
  • Group: The Group related to the Group Participant. This value is set by manually entry, Portal registration, attendance posting via Check-In Suite, Rollscan Tool, various reports, or by a nightly routine. Once the Group field is set on the Event Participant record, any changes to the Group Participant record are not reflected. These values are independent. Note: It is not recommended that this value be set manually.
  • Room: The Room related to the Rooms & Groups (Room Reservation) where the Event was attended. This value is set by manually entry, Portal registration, attendance posting via Check-In Suite, Rollscan Tool, various reports, or by a nightly routine. Note: It is not recommended that this value be set manually.
  • Group Role: The Group role of the associated Group Participant record.
  • Response: If applicable, the Response record of the Opportunity that was configured to Add to Event those that responded.
  • Registrant Message Sent: If applicable, indication that the optional Registrant Message has or has not yet been sent.
  • Attending Online: If true, Participant will not be physically present at the Event, but attending virtually. Can be set manually or based on an Option Price selection.