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Managing Form Responses


Response Notification

A SPoC can set up a Process to notify a user when a Custom Form response is submitted. 

Response Storage

When someone completes a Custom Form, you can find their response in a couple of different places:

  • Custom Forms > All Form Responses > search for the desired Form title
  • Custom Forms > Forms > open desired Form > Responses sub-page

Note: The Forms or Form Responses that can be seen might be limited based on your Global Filter permissions. A Form Response's Congregation is set automatically based on:

  1. The Congregation set on the related Event
  2. The Congregation associated with the Program of the related Opportunity
  3. The Congregation associated with the Program of the related Pledge Campaign
  4. The Congregation assigned to the Form
  5. The Congregation assigned to the related Contact record (this does not apply to the Default Contact)

Viewing Responses

There are several options for viewing individual responses to a Custom Form:

  • The Selected Form Responses report organizes each response into a document. Pro-Tip: If you're trying to run the report on a large selection of records and it times out, break your selection into smaller pieces and running it again.
  • To see a single submission, open any Form Response record and read the individual's submission. Form Answers will appear in the Answers sub-page
  • If you're using Custom Form Widget, Users can drag and drop or browse to upload files through custom form answers. This value only pertains if using the If the form is completed through a non-Widget application, a Form Answer will not be created. Files are stored as attached files associated with the Form Field Answer record in the Platform.

Responses Assigned to Default Contact

MinistryPlatform attempts to match the form response to an existing Contact record. If it can't, the response is assigned to Default Contact. 

To update forms assigned to Default Contact: 

  1. Open the form response.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the Contact field, search for and select the appropriate Contact record (if the person doesn't yet exist in MinistryPlatform, add them via the Add/Edit Family Tool).
  4. Click Save, then Close.

Following-Up on Placement Required fields

If the Participants should be placed in specific Groups or Events after they complete the Form:

  1. Mark the Form Field as Placement Required = Yes. 
  2. Create a custom view on the All Form Answers page that filters for answers where the Form Field record has Placement Required = Yes and the Form Answer has Placed = False. If desired, also add filters for dates, Events, etc. to narrow your results further.
  3. After responses start coming in, use the Placement Needed view to locate those who have not been placed:
    1. Make a selection.
    2. Change the selection to Current/unsaved Selection.
    3. Use the Assign button to mark the Form Answer records as Placed = True.
    4. Use the Transfer Selection Tool to copy your selection to the Participants page. 
    5. Open the Group or Event record and use the "Add" button on the Participants page to locate your new selection.

*If the form is going to be used along with an Event, it is recommended to use Product Option Groups to add registrants directly to Groups. See this article for more information. 

Disabling Further Responses

You can turn off access to a standalone form and stop further responses from coming in. To do so, go to Custom Forms > Forms and open the desired Form. Then simply add an End Date. If someone tries to access the form after the End Date, a message reads "This form has expired or is no longer available."