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Care Cases & Household Care Log

  • Care Cases and Household Care Log entries work together to allow you to manage care for your community. 
  • Think of a Care Case record as summarizing the overall situation, and a Household Care Log record as recording the individual interactions within that overall situation. For example, the one Care Case of "Broken Leg" for Aarvin Aardvark may have several Household Care Log entries which record the various phone calls or visits made to Aarvin during this recovery. 
  • Care Cases can be assigned to a Care Manager who oversees the case as a whole (whether providing care themselves or overseeing those providing care).
  • Care Cases can be managed in CareLife.
Initial Setup

A SPoC must complete one-time initial setup to populate some of the drop-downs used in Care Cases and Household Care Log entries. To do so:

  1. Care Cases > Care Case Types
  2. Create/edit the desired Care Case Types. These are the categories used for Care Cases. Common Care Case Types are death in family, physical injury, marital issues and new mother care.
  3. Care Cases > Care Types
  4. Create/edit the desired Care Types. These are the categories used for Household Care Log entries. Common Care Types are household visit, hospital visit, benevolence, phone call and Check-In Note.
  5. System Lookups > Care Outcomes
  6. Create/edit the desired Care Outcomes. These are the categories used for Household Care Log entries. 
Creating a Care Case Record

To create a Care Case in the Platform:

  1. Care Cases > Care Cases
  2. Click New
  3. Enter the desired detail (including a Case Manager, if desired)
  4. Click Save
Note: The Contact field on the Care Case record is a custom field that can be added to your system. Contact Support to get started.

Add a New Care Case

Only Care Case Administrators can add new Care Cases through CareLife.

  1. CareLife > CareLife Dashboard
  2. "+" to add a new Care Case. A new dialogue will open so you can provide all the details.

Add a Care Case to a Household who Already has a Care Case

The Care Case Manager can add a Care Case to one of their Care Households.

  1. CareLife > CareLife Details
  2. Tap the "+" to add a Care Case for the person whose details you're viewing. A new dialogue will open so you can provide all the details.
Managing Care Cases in the Platform

Many aspects of Care Cases can be managed via CareLife. But some can only be taken in the Platform. These actions can be supported in your church specific scenario by the creation of custom views and/or custom processes.

Assign a Care Case in the Platform

You can assign a Care Case to a Case Manager in the Platform. That Care Case Manager can then manage the Care Case via CareLife. To assign a Case Manager:

  1. Care Cases > Care Case
  2. Open the desired Care Case
  3. Edit
  4. Select the desired Contact in the Case Manager drop down
  5. Save.

Assign a Household Care Log in the Platform

To assign a Household Case Log:

  1. Care Cases > Household Care Log
  2. Open the desired Household Care Log
  3. Edit
  4. Select the desired Contact in the Provided By drop down
  5. Change the Care Outcome from Pending Assignment to Assigned
  6. Save

Close a Care Case in the Platform

Once a Care Case has been worked as desired and no additional Household Care Log entries need to be made, you can close the Care Case:

  1. Care Cases > Care Cases
  2. Open the desired Care Case
  3. Edit.
  4. Add the appropriate date in the End Date field
  5. Save
Creating a Household Care Log Record

A Household Care Log record can be a standalone record like a note made during Check-In or a one-time care interaction. A Household Care Log record could also be one of many Household Care Log records related to a Care Case; as care is given, the Case Manager can add Household Care Log records to track the Care Case.

To create a Household Care Log record in the Platform based on a Care Case

  1. Care Cases > Care Case
  2. Open the desired Care Case
  3. On the Care Log tab, click New
  4. Enter the desired details
  5. Save

To create a Household Care Log Record in the Platform

  1. Care Cases > Household Care Log
  2. New
  3. Enter the desired details (including a Care Case, if needed)
  4. Save

In a Household Care Log Record

  • If the Household Care Log is part of a Care Case, the Subsequent Care tab shows the other Household Care Log records associated with the Care Case.
  • If a specific Contact is associated with the Household Care Log record, the Primary Family tab shows the other Household members.