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Group Attendance Tool




  • The Group Attendance Tool allows you to quickly post Group-specific Event attendance.
  • The tool must be launched from an open Event record or from the Events page without a selection. It cannot be launched from a selection.
  • When launched, the tool allows you to mark attendance for all Groups associated with an Event via the Rooms & Groups tab.
  • After entering attendance for an Event, Users can select another Event to take attendance for from within the Tool
  • This tool is not necessary if you want to record attendance without regard for whether people attended the event as part of a group. Instead, you can either mark attendance by clicking Add on the Participants sub-page of the Event, or you can mark headcount numbers by using Event Metrics.
  • Tip: This tool can be used to quickly register people from an existing Group into an Event in advance of the event to facilitate Check-in.

Initial Setup

SPoCs can grant Users access to this tool by configuring Security Roles and Permissions for Tools.


Marking Group Attendance

  1. Events > Event record
  2. Tools > Group Attendance Tool
  3. Select desired Group
  4. Select desired individuals
  5. Select desired Participation Status
  6. If desired, select a Room
  7. Click Complete
  8. Repeat steps 2-7 as needed for additional Groups for the same Event
  9. If desired, search for a different Event and repeat steps 3-7 to add attendance for that Event
  10. Close the Tool

Additional Tips

When using the tool to post attendance for a very large group, scrolling thru the names in the tool can sometimes feel cumbersome. Try using the search feature of the browser to speed things up.

  1. Open the search box in your browser
    • CTRL + F in Google Chrome
    • CTRL + G in Firefox
  2. Type the name the Group Participant you're looking for into the search box
  3. Select Enter