Your Knowledge Base has moved to the new Help Center.  Check out the release notes for details. And don't forget to update your bookmarks and in-house documentation before May 28.



The following Configuration Settings are edited in the platform and determine many aspects of how the Check-In Suite operates.

Important! You may have some "CHECKIN" Configuration Settings in your system. These settings controlled the legacy Check-In system and do not apply to Check-In Suite. Changing a CHECKIN Configuration Setting will not affect Check-In Suite.

CIM, AutoLoginPassword
The password of the User account associated with the desired User and their related Check-In Security Roles for the Auto Login URL.

CIM, AutoLoginUsername
The Username of the User account associated with the desired User and their related Check-In Security Roles for the Auto Login URL.

CIM, CallNumberChar
The number of characters to include in the Call Number.

CIM, CallNumberType
1 - ContactID
2 - HouseholdID
3 - Family Call # (from households table)
4 - deprecated

CIM, FamilyNoteCareContact
(CHANGE! 2 = Default Contact) Contact ID that will be assigned to all Household Care Log items created by Check-In

CIM, FamilyNoteCareOutcome
(1 = Pending Assignment) The outcome type for the Household Care Log Entry (2 = Assigned, 3 = Closed-Success, 4 = Closed-Failed)

CIM, FamilyNoteCareType
The Household Care Type ID to be used for Check-In 2 when creating new Household Care record.

CIM, FrontDeskSMSNumber
The number that receives text messages (SMS) at the front desk of a church. Note: Number should be 10 digit phone number that can accept text formatted with dashes (for example, 222-333-4455).

The Household Position ID to be used for the Contact created using the Add Guest feature.

CIM, HideCallParentsButton
Hides the "Notify Parents" button on the Classroom Manager so parents cannot be notified using custom workflow via the application.

CIM, PersonalAttributeTypeID
The Attribute Type ID used for identifying personal characteristics available for printing on labels.

CIM, ShowAddGuest
Determines whether or not the Add Guest is available during Check-in when in Attended mode. Set to True by default. To hide the button, change the value to False. Note: After changing this setting, it can take up to 10 minutes to see the change in Check-In Suite.

CIM, ShowsinCheckinHHTypeID
The ID of the Household Type "Shows in Checkin". Other Households with that Type will then show in the "Family and Permitted Guardians" section of Classroom Manager for a selected Participant. (Household Types are found in System Lookups/Household Types. If you are missing the type "Shows in Check-in", please add it to your system.)

Check-In Suite also uses the following Common Configuration Settings:

  • COMMON, PhoneMask
  • COMMON, GlobalCongregationID
  • COMMON, defaultContactStatus
  • COMMON, ParticipationStatusID
  • COMMON, defaultParticipantType: the Participant Type given to any new individual added.
  • COMMON, State: determines the state abbreviation that's defaulted for any address entry in the system. 

Additional settings to note: 

  • If a Group is selected while add/editing a new family member through the Check-in Suite application, the Group Role assigned will be the Group Role defined in that Group's Group Type record.
Note: There is no longer a Configuration Setting for Search Instructions because of internationalization. If this value needs to be changed, it can be done via the Kiosk Theme.
Most applications reset and reload new settings after 24 hours, so don't be surprised if your Configuration Setting changes don't take effect immediately.